How to Reverse diabetes naturally?


Diabetes, aka ‘Diabetes Mellitus’ is a disease where your body can’t control blood sugar levels. It happens either as the result of insulin resistance or low levels of insulin in the body. Insulin is the hormone that brings down blood glucose levels to the normal range.

Diabetes Range

What is the diabetes normal range? (normal diabetes range) or, more precisely, what is the normal blood sugar range, for a healthy individual? The normal blood glucose range is 80 – 100 mg/dL in a fasting state. A fasting blood sugar range of 100 – 125 mg/dL is considered to be prediabetic, while above 125 mg/dL is considered to be diabetic. A two-hour post-prandial glucose reading above 170 mg/dL is also considered to be diabetic. (Postprandial means, after a meal)

Diabetes is a disease where your body can’t control blood sugar levels.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. It’s not always caused by eating too much sugar, fat or salt.

In this article, we’ll focus on how you can reverse diabetes naturally through lifestyle changes, dieting, exercising etc. The goal is to figure out – how to reduce blood sugar levels naturally, lower insulin resistance and improve your overall health.

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is not a single disease. There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. What is the difference between type 1 and 2 diabetes?

Type 1 occurs when the body attacks its own insulin-producing cells, which results in insufficient levels of insulin in the bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body turns resistant to insulin, and this leads to high blood glucose levels over time. Type 2 diabetes occurs due to a poor lifestyle.

Type 2 accounts for 90% of all cases of diabetes and generally develops gradually over decades due to a poor lifestyle. It’s most common among those who didn’t inherit their parents’ genes predisposing them towards developing this condition—so it’s important to understand how you can prevent getting it yourself!

Yet another type of diabetes is gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes mellitus / GD) which happens during pregnancy. Women who have GD during pregnancy are more prone to T2DM (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) in future.

ALSO READ: Can Diabetes Patients Eat Honey?

Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes symptoms are often very varied. They range from feeling tired and thirsty very often, dark patches in the skin, losing weight unexpectedly, urinating a lot, having blurred vision, tingling feeling in hands or limbs, bruises and sores that heal very slowly etc.

Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is caused at a much younger age and is often followed by stomach pain, nausea and emaciation.

Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs due to poor insulin sensitivity (or higher insulin resistance). This occurs due to a poor lifestyle and the body turns incapable of handling blood glucose rather slowly. The symptoms are hence often unnoticed.

WATCH: Diabetes Reversal Program | NuvoVivo

1. Make an effort to lose extra weight.

  • Make an effort to lose extra weight.

Losing weight is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and it’s also one of the easiest things you can do. Simply by making better food choices and burning more calories, you’ll automatically begin losing weight—and if you want even more help with this process, try these tips:

  • Eat smaller portions in a meal and reduce fatty food such as deep-fried food, junk food etc. Reduce sugary drinks and sweets
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day so that hunger doesn’t tempt you into overeating later in the day when hunger strikes again!

2. Increase physical activity levels and exercise more frequently.

As a diabetic, you should exercise more often. It’s important to keep your body in shape and prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Exercises such as weight training, if done in the right manner along with a proper diet are helpful in reversing type 2 diabetes.

Exercises are also great for relieving stress and releasing happy hormones in our body thereby elevating our mood.

3. Cut down on processed foods and carbohydrates.

The second step to reversing diabetes naturally is cutting down on processed foods and carbohydrates. Processed foods have a higher glycemic index than whole grains and fruits, which can cause blood sugar levels to spike quickly after eating them.

Carbohydrates are a form of sugar that our body breaks down into glucose (sugar) when we eat them. They’re found in many different types of food: bread, cereals, sweets—the list goes on. The amount of carbohydrates you need depends on your age, physical activity levels and metabolic conditions such as diabetes. When our body is insulin resistant (type 2 diabetes), then it is best to reduce the rate of the release of glucose into the blood (from carbs). This is why a low glycemic food is suggested for diabetic people

ALSO READ: Is Honey Good for Diabetes?

4. Eat fiber-rich foods and nuts.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that’s found in foods like fruits and vegetables. It helps to lower blood sugar levels as it slows down the rate of release of glucose from carbs. It also slows down the rate at which food passes through your digestive system, and helps you feel full for longer periods of time. Fiber also lowers cholesterol levels and can help manage weight.

The best way to get fiber into your diet is by eating vegetables and whole grains (breads, cereals).

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5. Have green leafy vegetables in your diet.

You are probably already eating leafy greens, but if you’re not, this is a good time to start. These healthy vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals that help your body fight off disease. They also contain antioxidants that can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Start by adding raw or lightly steamed veggies to your diet—the more green leafy vegetables you eat each day, the better! Also, try adding more salads (with at least 5-10g protein per serving) or soups for lunch instead of sandwiches or burgers because these will help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. If you are hypothyroid, then make sure you cook them well enough and not consume them raw. This is because certain leafy vegetables when consumed raw can interfere with thyroid hormone production. Consult your dietician if you are diabetic and also suffering from hypothyroidism.

6. Reduce Omega-6 fats in your diet, increase Omega-3 fats consumption instead!

Omega-6 and Omega-3 fats are essential fatty acids, which means they cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from food. These fats can be found in different foods, but they’re not the same thing.

Omega-6: Found in vegetable oils such as corn oil or soybean oil; nuts and seeds; sunflower seeds (the most common source of omega-6); avocado (especially pitaya)

Omega – 3: Found in fish oils like tuna or salmon! This type of fat is also found in olive oil, flax seed oil and chia seeds!

Omega-6 is inflammatory, while omega-3 is anti-inflammatory; both are required for the body and they should be consumed in a 1:1 ratio. However, most modern-day dietary habits have an overdose of omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 can be supplemented through fish oil capsules

Diabetes Medical Treatment

Diabetes medical treatment involves controlling blood sugar levels and making sure that your body is able to use the insulin it produces. There are two types of diabetes treatments: oral medications (such as metformin, glimepiride, vildagliptin etc) and insulin therapy.

ALSO READ: Diabetes Medications Explained

7. Cut out sugary drinks and beverages including fruit juices, sodas, sweetened coffee and tea, etc., and replace them with water instead or herbal teas or juices instead!

The first thing you should do is cut out sugary drinks and beverages including fruit juices, sodas, sweetened coffee and tea, etc., and replace them with water instead or herbal teas instead!

Sugar-sweetened beverages like soft drinks are known to cause glucose intolerance in people who drink more than one can per day. In addition to this effect on your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels effectively (which is one reason why type 2 diabetes develops), they also contribute greatly towards weight gain as well as other health problems such as heart disease and even cancer!

Complications of Diabetes

Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes can lead to a host of complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, nerve damage and vision loss. The complications of diabetes are not reversible but they can be prevented by controlling blood sugar levels.

Diabetic kidney disease is one of the most common complications of elevated blood sugar levels over the long term. Neuropathy is yet another complication where the nerves get damaged or die off due to high levels of glucose in your body.

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Kerala has been gaining popularity in recent years. Ayurvedic treatment mostly focuses on including herbs and fibre in the diet along with yoga and exercises. Ayurvedic herbs and food such as cinnamon, fenugreek, turmeric, neem, bitter gourd, ivy gourd (coccinea indica), amalaki, triphala etc, are suggested.

Diabetes treatment in Kerala

NuvoVivo ( is a diabetes management facility in Kerala, for patients from across Kerala – Kochi, Trivandrum, Palakkad, Wayanad, Thrissur, and even outside Kerala. Through a well-structured diet, exercises and lifestyle changes, we have helped 1000s of clients reverse diabetes over a period of time.

Diabetes Treatment in Kerala | NuvoVivo | Reverse Diabetes Naturally


There is no doubt that diabetes is a serious problem and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. However, by following these simple steps, you can reverse diabetes naturally and improve your overall health!

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